with your help, i would like to recognized someone who fits this description, someone who you look-up to for their great example, maybe someone who hasn't had their family photos taken in a long time, or someone who is going through a rough spot in their life. i want to give away a free photo session to a deserving family or individual; your job is to share your story or someone else's story of how they have been an every day hero this year.
email me or leave your stories in the comments until monday, november 22nd {one week from today}. i hope to hear many wonderful and uplifting stories.

I want to nominate Michelle Frache. She was diagnosed with Chron’s colitis in early 2009, but has been experiencing the symptoms since 2007. The illness has impacted her life greatly. Having an ‘invisible illness’ is so difficult. People might assume that she isn’t as sick as she actually is, saying things like ‘Well you don’t look sick!’. In reality, it affects her whole life. She used to be very active and played rugby and soccer, went to school, and did a lot with friends, family, church, etc. She can’t do things the way she used to. Throughout the day she not only has to worry about the physical pain and stress that the illness causes, but about things like worrying about if she can go the places she needs too, not being able to get out and do what others are, thinking about the financial stress of being too sick to go to school or work and pay for the costs of the illness, trying to think of ways to be productive when so many things she used to do will completely drain her… She has also had to stay in the hospital for very long visits with basically nothing to do. From her illness, there may be very dire consequences for the future. However, through all of this she has shown incredible strength and faith and I greatly admire her for it. She said, “I like my trials, so I would choose whatever God wants to give me. I wouldn’t choose anyone else’s. That may sound strange, and no it’s not fun going through what I go through, but I believe that I am going through it for a reason, and that everything will work out for my good. I have learned so much from my struggles and I believe I will come out a better person. It has taught me to look for the good, that I need to handle my stress better, to ask for help when I need it, that I’m not invisible, that everyone has their struggles even though it may not show, that me Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers, and that I am loved by so many people around me.”
If chosen, I think Michelle might choose between own portraits or family pictures. Her family would sure deserve it too. They have been amazing through all of this. All of the time driving several hours to see specialists and have tests done, the effort in preparing the proper foods (and trying out the same diets as support), working had to pay for the various treatments, comforting, visiting, loving… The list goes on. They haven’t had a real family picture done in many years. I think they have at least 3 additional family members now. They’re a very close and strong family that would very much appreciate this.
I found you from Leah Lacey...
I have a couple I want to nominate they are amazing and have been through so so much . She is my sister Livi she got married last April to an English boy from Cumbria, England they got engaged on a beautiful English lake in a rowboat. Sounds romantic eh...
skip ahead to an engagement where he lived there she lived here they saw each other once in about 9 months ........then were married on a cold April day... went on a honeymoon together and he flew back to england with her to follow a few days later... or so was the plan until an angry immigration officer decided to change all that and interrogated her beyond anything and forbid her from entering their country. {she is the most peaceful kind caring person ever!} they spent the day together in the airport then she had to leave her new husband and go back to her country and that is how they spent the first year almost of there marriage seeing each other once or twice that entire year when he came over to visit. She attended college and lived by herself and with roommates here, he worked and attended school there and... In March of this year they were reunited as her husband came to live here and got all his paperwork together..they got pregnant right away.....and tragically at 26 weeks on Aug 19th she delivered a beautiful 2 lb baby girl.. who thankfully lived after so many struggles. Everyday they visited the hospital praying and hoping for miracles that she would live and be able to come home to them. He looked for a job...everyday till this past saturday when she was aloud to finally come home at 6 lbs of beautiful!!
Their life together has been a story that needs written through it all they have have been faithful prayerful and such an example of everything good! They are the most calmest loving admirable couple there is. I would love nothing more than for them to have beautiful family pictures to remember these days and there precious beautiful baby girl! As a family finally all in one place under one roof. Miracles in every way from the start.
I know they would love and appreciate these pictures forever. I hope you consider them they need some good pictures and don't have a lot of money. Thanks so much for this opportunity!
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