
Life and Porter.

Life is busy with two kids. Someone almost always needs my attention, but life is wonderful. Recently I have been feeling so incredibly blessed to have two such sweet little spirits in my charge. They teach me so much. Porter is two and a half right now; he never stops moving, eating, and talking. I think he is hilarious; most of the time. Although we have challenging moments, I really am enjoying this stage he is at. He is learning new words everyday and expressing his little independent mind with more clarity all the time. Porter loves his daddy, nursery, cars, t-rex, cucumbers & carrots, he always has to know where Edith is, he can do full plank push-ups, and he is practically impossible to photograph. I captured this sweet little photo of him last week, a rare moment while he was sitting waiting for more food. I love him with my whole being and those little lips (so kissable!!).

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Katie said...

This picture is perfect!

janetina said...

Porter, Porter, Porter!!!!! I love you! Hugs and kisses!